Friday, June 12, 2015

Small Spaces - Game Storage

We have stacks of board games. So many games that I had to buy a bookcase just to house the. Sorry. Life.  Scrabble.  Monopoly.  Monopoly Nintendo Edition.  And many, many more.  In the new house there is no room for all these games or the bookcase itself.  Less space means a new storage solution was needed.

First thing I did was get rid of the games that were just taking up space.  That lessened the load quite a bit but it wasn't good enough to lose the bookcase.  I took some drastic measures.  I ditched the boxes (gasp!!) and I put each game in a Ziplock baggie with the instructions for game play.  If the game board didn't fit inside a gallon sized bag I simply kept it separate from the pieces.

I ditched the boxes in the recycle bin and all the games fit in one small-sized moving box.  I would have needed at least four of them.  When we move into our new house I plan to store these games in the family room inside of a trunk-style coffee table that I have yet to pick out.  Stay tuned for whatever I end up choosing for that.  


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