Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bootcamp Workout Fall Week 2

To do this, or any other Tabata workout simply download one of the many Tabata Timer Apps or go HERE and use an online timer to regulate your workouts. Set the timer to 8 rounds.  20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest and whatever prep time you need before you begin a new round. Message me if you have any questions about the workout or anything else.


Set 1:
Front Lunges with curls
Open Up Jacks

Set 2:
Side Plank

Set 3:
Leg up Chest Fly

Set 4:
Wall Sit

Set 5:
In and out Curl
Upright Row

Set 6:
Glute Bridge Lat Pulls
Spiderman Plank

Set 7:
Vsit tap overs

Hell Raisers


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