Friday, January 23, 2015

P90X 2: P.A.P. Lower - how I worked out today

It was okay.  I will say that I was tired from my classes the previous night and my training session earlier in the day.  My legs felt like tree trunks, but I really wanted to workout for myself so I was game.  It was a lower body workouts.  The full title is Post Activation Potentiation.  It basically means that you are using more than one muscle/part of your body to gain strength and in this case muscle mass in a particular area.  It was a lot of leg/lower body work as the name would suggest.  I like Tony Horton in small doses.  His jokes and fitness puns/banter was rather reserved in this workout I think.  Here is what I think over all:

  1. It is a great lower body workout.  Challenging and definitely worth the time
  2. It gets redundant.  Two sets of four exercises.  Each set is executed four times.  
  3. My legs still feel like someone elses.  So there is that.
  4. Tony Horton was reserved in his usual boisterous antics.  Made this Friday night workout more tolerable.
All-in-all I give it two out of 5 water bottles. 

Pop on over here to find out more about Tony Horton and P90X 2, Beachbody


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