And SWEAT is what we did!
First week of Month 2 of Insanity Max. Mike has been plugging away more diligently with the calendar than I have this week. My Monday Bootcamp class started up this week which takes the place of my workout that day. I also have Tuesday and Thursday classes so today was the first time I was able to "dig deep" and experience the intensity of the workouts in Month 2. Mike warned me it was a step up and I have to agree. I was expecting to curse and complain and yell at Shaun T. like I usually do. This time I did not. I was unable to speak mostly. Breathless. Sweat dripping into my mouth. I wasn't mute but I definitely was less verbal than I have been during workouts in the past. Even Mike noticed.
In Max Out Sweat, Shaun T. gets you pumped up by telling you how nervous he is about this workout and "what is about to happen to you". Super motivational. He then leads you through a series of three exercises, three times through for a total of 6 minutes before you are allowed a 30 second water break. There were a few sets of pushup-type exercises but for the most part it was all cardio and a good old- fashioned sweatfest.
I liked it a lot. I found the intervals tough to get through at times. I look forward to.... Nope. Wrong choice of words. I am curious as to how I will do when I attempt this workout again next week.
I give Insanity Max: Max Out Sweat 5 out 5 waterbottles
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