Sunday, February 15, 2015

Goal of Financial Independence

Hi, this is Mike, Stephanie's wonderful husband.  I have even been called Motivational Mike on occasion (more on that at another time).  You have been reading about All of Steph's Stuff, however she is giving me the opportunity to blog about some of our Mike's Stuff and our journey to achieve a better life through financial independence.

A little about me.  I am 37 years old, though last birthday I thought I was 38.  A slight miscalculation by me, a Mathematics major.  The good news is, Stephanie is also a year younger than she thought!  I share Stephanie's passion for fitness, healthy eating and enjoying every minute we can with our boys.  I am currently employed by the state as an IT manager.  This career has treated us well.  I make a very good salary with great benefits.  I work for a great boss that would probably take a bullet for me.  The work environment is dynamic and my co-workers are great.  It has allowed us to enjoy a great life, has allowed Stephanie to stay at home with our boys, and given us the opportunity to be debt free (aside from mortgages) at an early age.

Even though I have achieved some great things in life, I have always wanted something more.  It took me 37 years, marrying someone like Stephanie (I'm a type A, she is a type B), and having children to realize that the something more was not things (i.e. money), but rather time.

I also love to learn.  My original degree was in CIS.  I then took advantage of a benefit to earn a Mathematics degree because I love numbers.  And now, I am beginning a Masters degree in Ecology.  I do not like to sit around and am always looking for something different to do.  I love cars, fixing things and fishing.  Over the years my interests and priorities have changed, but nothing is more apparent right now that my priority is working toward the goal of financial independence.  I want to have time to spend with my family and have the comfort to just do something different.

Stephanie's acceptance as our family's Chief Operating Officer (COO), has allowed me to invest more time in planning our future as Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  We are both working toward the same goal, Stephanie day-to-day and me with long term planning.

My plan is to discuss our starting point, some of the good things we have been doing, some of the mistakes we have made and how we put this plan into high gear a couple of months ago.  I will share some great advice from my favorite blogs, like Mr. Money Mustache and Jim Collins and other tidbits of information I have picked up along the way.  I hope you join us for our journey and get inspired to begin your own journey to a better, more fulfilling life.  The goal is closer than you think!

Photo credit: Oengna / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA


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