Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What We Did Today - Bootcamp 2/10 and 2/12

Here is what we did this week in Bootcamp! 
Use regular Tabata timing 20/10. 

Set 1:
Front Back Clap Jacks
One Leg Mt Climber

Set 2:
Switch Pop Lunges
V-pushups (one leg)

Set 3:
Fast Knee Ins
Squat, upright row

Set 4:
W curls
Plank arm punch or balance pushups

Set 5:
MB Jack Twist
Up and Down Arms with DBs

Set 6:
High Knee Punching
Pike Up, Groiner (all right)
Set 7:
Vsit, tap overs
Kneeling One Arm Row


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