Sunday, February 15, 2015

What My Dog Eats - Stella Stew!

First, let me introduce you to our newest, cutest, and furriest addition to our family - Stella! 

She is adorable, sweet, energetic, curious, mischievous, and stubborn.  We love her so much!  She is 10 months old now.  We got her at 7 weeks old.  I can't believe how big she has gotten and I know that she is still growing like a weed. 

Stella does adorable things all day long.  Things like...

Lay in fresh laundry piles.....

Find the sunniest spot in the house and lay in it.....

Take part during yoga exercises by laying directly underneath someone doing Downward Dog...

Help herself to a yogurt from an unsupervised, half-put-away, grocery bag full of food.
As you can obviously see, this dog has it tough.  She clearly has figured out a way to correctly open a yogurt from the top which makes her the smartest dog ever.  Clearly.

When Stella was a wee-pup, she was skinny.  The vet was concerned about her gaining weight so he suggested I add in our food in whatever quanities we felt would entice her to eat and gain weight.  We have always given our dogs "people food" over the years.  I contemplated the whole raw diet thing for her, but with our lifestyle right now, I didn't think it was the best option for us.  So, this would be the next best thing.  I invented Stella Stew and I am still so happy and excited about it!

All week long, as I am making dinners/meals for the family, I save any cut veggies and fruits that I otherwise might have tossed aside.  Nothing "inedible", just pieces of apples that were trimmed off, celery ends, potatoes that were left over, etc....  I pop them in a freezer bag in the freezer.  I take that bag at weeks end and I add in some meat that I have left over from the week, usually a breast of chicken, and I throw in a starch (if potatoes weren't frozen in the first place).  I pop it all in the crockpot and viola!  Stella Stew!

Last weeks version of Stella Stew had some tomato sauce, potatoes, carrots and celery.

After it is finished cooking, I scoop it into the Ball freezer safe jars.

Pop it into the "Stella" bin in the freezer and we are good to go for the week!

When she was really little I would give her a jar with her kibble 2 or sometimes 3x a day.  These days she gets kibble all day and a jar mixed in once a day, usually for breakfast.  I do admit though, she gets a lot of scraps during the day of meats and fruits and veggies.  I have never seen a dog that loves fruit as much as she does!  She drools over my apple cores and orange slices!

She is gaining weight great these days and is still on the skinnier side of normal, but I suspect that she will thicken up a bit after she hits a year.


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